December 2, 2024
Stupidity At Its Finest
Most of the stupid procedures and regulations start in California. If you do not drive much and your battery dies and is replaced before a smog check it is a nightmare. You have to drive more and put more pollution in the air to allow your car to pass a smog test that is supposed to reduce smog. Once again only a government bureaucrat can be this dumb. Unfortunately this nonsense is nationwide and it is another example that the protecting the environment and global warming agenda is a scam.
You must perform specified drive cycles to retrain your vehicles computer after your battery dies, is replaced or is disconnected. You have to have certain parameters ready before your vehicle can pass an emissions test. Some drive cycles are drive at a certain speed for some many minutes or miles, idle for some many seconds, drive again at a certain speed and idle again. Some of these drive cycles have to be done many times for the vehicle computer and emission sensors to become ready. Only a government bureaucrat and arrogant automobile engineer could be this clueless and stupid. It is most likely more than one and probably hundreds. Automobile engineers should be force to repair a vehicle they designed to see how stupid some of their designs work in the real world instead of on paper.
Many people will try to defend this nonsense but I am not interested in excuses, public relations spin or any other type of deflections about this stupidity. Save your idiotic responses for the media and morons that believe the swill you put out on a regular basis. It’s not about reducing smog, it is about money and control. It gets older cars off the road so it produces more money for the car manufacturers, states and insurance companies. It also gives them more control because newer vehicles give more information to the car manufacturers, states and insurance companies. As always this is for “your safety” and the “safety of others.” It’s all a crock and a scam to screw the average person out of more money. Marketing personnel, Public Information Officers or Public Relations people are nothing more than paid liars. They push what they are told by their bosses and superiors not what is sensible or what is actually happening. No matter what they say they do not understand the problem and what it does to people that are unable to get their car to pass a smog check because they do not drive as much as is required to pass. I am not interested in an overpriced golf cart now known as an EV (Electric Vehicle) and I do not want to purchase a worthless and hyped up electric car. The purchase of an electric car leads to even more cluelessness and stupidity from our government bureaucrats.
As expected there is a lot of useless information online on the correct “Drive Cycle” needed to “Ready” certain vehicles. The videos are worthless and so is a lot of the written information available. Even the service manual from the factory is useless when trying to correct this problem. Out of 12,000 pages, one page gives a procedure that does not work no matter how many times you follow it to the letter. You know something is wrong when they use the phrase “may be helpful.”
One of the cycles mentioned by a former mechanic was to drive 60 miles per hour for 2 miles, then increase your speed to 70 miles per hour for 2 miles then let off the accelerator back to 60 miles per hour for another 2 mile, then a few minutes of stop and go driving. In the city there might not be any highways that you can drive 70 miles per hour. That would mean in some areas you have to speed so you would be breaking the law. A possibility for more money for the state, county, city and insurance companies. If you can not register your vehicle it means more money for the state in late fees. If you still can’t register after a few months it means one more older vehicle off the road maybe to favor electric or the purchase of a new gas vehicle which means more money in new car registration fees. It’s all a scam to make money.
Yes there are corporations, manufacturers, government agencies, executive management, automobile engineers, government bureaucrats and their spokespeople really this stupid. Here’s an idea how about something earthshaking, you start the car, there are no sensor errors and you’re good to go. No need for emission history or driving patterns. Just start, no errors and your good to get your emission test after your battery is replaced. Similar to a television commercial from years ago, “No runs, No drips, No errors.” Obviously too simple for an automobile engineer or government bureaucrat or executive management. Why not add shake your leg, open the window and twist your nose before you start the engine? What’s next, Open the door while you’re driving, put your foot out and whistle as you are going down the road? I better stop because I do not want to give these morons any ideas for crazier “vehicle computer learning procedures.”
Stupidity at its finest and it just show the mentality of our current government agencies, manufacturers and corporations. The government bureaucrats have their heads so far up their backside that they are looking out of their belly buttons.The dumbest people I have ever met were always the ones that thought they were smarter than everyone else. The perfect description of a government bureaucrat, executive management, automobile engineers and their butt kissers. No wonder nothing gets accomplished except stupidity.
The bureaucrats and media will say it is based on science but as many have realized recently science is easily bought. They side with whoever is paying for the science. For many of us we already knew this but fortunately more are catching on today. Science is based on the funding. It is always about money and control. Due to this “Drive Cycle” nonsense it has become a big business for scanner readiness testers. It means control because this stupidity can actually cause people to not register their vehicles and stop driving. Unfortunately too many drink the swill of government bureaucrats and corporate stooges. Wait until people realize electric cars are the ultimate form of driving control.
That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.
If you Like, Dislike or are Neutral about my opinion, let me and others know about it and Help A Old Timer support himself by Purchasing A Comment below.
If An Old Timer’s Opinion is revealing, controversial or upsetting, please tell your family, friends and neighbors.
©2024 James Colozzo, All Rights Reserved
Stupidity At Its Finest
Most of the stupid procedures and regulations start in California. If you do not drive much and your battery dies and is replaced before a smog check it is a nightmare. You have to drive more and put more pollution in the air to allow your car to pass a smog test that is supposed to reduce smog. Once again only a government bureaucrat can be this dumb. Unfortunately this nonsense is nationwide and it is another example that the protecting the environment and global warming agenda is a scam.
You must perform specified drive cycles to retrain your vehicles computer after your battery dies, is replaced or is disconnected. You have to have certain parameters ready before your vehicle can pass an emissions test. Some drive cycles are drive at a certain speed for some many minutes or miles, idle for some many seconds, drive again at a certain speed and idle again. Some of these drive cycles have to be done many times for the vehicle computer and emission sensors to become ready. Only a government bureaucrat and arrogant automobile engineer could be this clueless and stupid. It is most likely more than one and probably hundreds. Automobile engineers should be force to repair a vehicle they designed to see how stupid some of their designs work in the real world instead of on paper.
Many people will try to defend this nonsense but I am not interested in excuses, public relations spin or any other type of deflections about this stupidity. Save your idiotic responses for the media and morons that believe the swill you put out on a regular basis. It’s not about reducing smog, it is about money and control. It gets older cars off the road so it produces more money for the car manufacturers, states and insurance companies. It also gives them more control because newer vehicles give more information to the car manufacturers, states and insurance companies. As always this is for “your safety” and the “safety of others.” It’s all a crock and a scam to screw the average person out of more money. Marketing personnel, Public Information Officers or Public Relations people are nothing more than paid liars. They push what they are told by their bosses and superiors not what is sensible or what is actually happening. No matter what they say they do not understand the problem and what it does to people that are unable to get their car to pass a smog check because they do not drive as much as is required to pass. I am not interested in an overpriced golf cart now known as an EV (Electric Vehicle) and I do not want to purchase a worthless and hyped up electric car. The purchase of an electric car leads to even more cluelessness and stupidity from our government bureaucrats.
As expected there is a lot of useless information online on the correct “Drive Cycle” needed to “Ready” certain vehicles. The videos are worthless and so is a lot of the written information available. Even the service manual from the factory is useless when trying to correct this problem. Out of 12,000 pages, one page gives a procedure that does not work no matter how many times you follow it to the letter. You know something is wrong when they use the phrase “may be helpful.”
One of the cycles mentioned by a former mechanic was to drive 60 miles per hour for 2 miles, then increase your speed to 70 miles per hour for 2 miles then let off the accelerator back to 60 miles per hour for another 2 mile, then a few minutes of stop and go driving. In the city there might not be any highways that you can drive 70 miles per hour. That would mean in some areas you have to speed so you would be breaking the law. A possibility for more money for the state, county, city and insurance companies. If you can not register your vehicle it means more money for the state in late fees. If you still can’t register after a few months it means one more older vehicle off the road maybe to favor electric or the purchase of a new gas vehicle which means more money in new car registration fees. It’s all a scam to make money.
Yes there are corporations, manufacturers, government agencies, executive management, automobile engineers, government bureaucrats and their spokespeople really this stupid. Here’s an idea how about something earthshaking, you start the car, there are no sensor errors and you’re good to go. No need for emission history or driving patterns. Just start, no errors and your good to get your emission test after your battery is replaced. Similar to a television commercial from years ago, “No runs, No drips, No errors.” Obviously too simple for an automobile engineer or government bureaucrat or executive management. Why not add shake your leg, open the window and twist your nose before you start the engine? What’s next, Open the door while you’re driving, put your foot out and whistle as you are going down the road? I better stop because I do not want to give these morons any ideas for crazier “vehicle computer learning procedures.”
Stupidity at its finest and it just show the mentality of our current government agencies, manufacturers and corporations. The government bureaucrats have their heads so far up their backside that they are looking out of their belly buttons.The dumbest people I have ever met were always the ones that thought they were smarter than everyone else. The perfect description of a government bureaucrat, executive management, automobile engineers and their butt kissers. No wonder nothing gets accomplished except stupidity.
The bureaucrats and media will say it is based on science but as many have realized recently science is easily bought. They side with whoever is paying for the science. For many of us we already knew this but fortunately more are catching on today. Science is based on the funding. It is always about money and control. Due to this “Drive Cycle” nonsense it has become a big business for scanner readiness testers. It means control because this stupidity can actually cause people to not register their vehicles and stop driving. Unfortunately too many drink the swill of government bureaucrats and corporate stooges. Wait until people realize electric cars are the ultimate form of driving control.
That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.
If you Like, Dislike or are Neutral about my opinion, let me and others know about it and Help A Old Timer support himself by Purchasing A Comment below.
If An Old Timer’s Opinion is revealing, controversial or upsetting, please tell your family, friends and neighbors.
©2024 James Colozzo, All Rights Reserved
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