It's All About Promotion And Propaganda
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October 28, 2024

It's All About Promotion And Propaganda

Conservative media has done their job well with their self promotion and propaganda. People do what they are told and now they are even being told to forget their principles for the greater good by conservative media and their sidekicks. They have an audience and most of that audience will do anything they say. The media faces change but the results are always the same, follow and repeat. It’s repeated every election and that’s why nothing changes.

More propaganda and promotion is pushed when there is a loss. They will just be told and believe, as always, “We will get them next time.” Good for more donations, new viewers, listeners and subscribers. Losing is a gold mine for the political parties, media personalities and pundits. It's always about money! For those that say, “There is no Next time,” never forget for the party, media personalities and pundits, there is always a next time.

The promotion and propaganda machine is moving in high gear because many have tried in the past and today to shed light on the problem of the “Election Steal of 2024. They are always demeaned and shouted down by those who believe the illusion that all is well and has been corrected. It goes back to the old quote, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” For election cycles we have been doing the same thing over and over for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately the results have never changed. With the recent push to demean people that have different opinions about following the party and pundit message by Checkmarks and their cheerleaders, it is a perfect comparison. The Checkmarks have a huge audience so they have value to the party. Those that have a small audience or like me that have no audience are just nuisances like ants that get stepped on. When we point out flaws in their logic that is when they send out the attack dogs to prevent that information from spreading. As always the media personalities, pundits, cheerleaders and their followers will shout us down because we are pointing out problems. The followers are the most rabid because they think they are actually doing something by protecting the party machine. Doing what they are told like all good followers do. Some are even paying for their own demise by subscribing to these propaganda pundits but they can repeat catchy slogans, phrases and nicknames.

The reason this country is so screwed up is that good people gave up their principles. Now we are being told to give up our principles for the greater good. I will not give up my principles just because some media personality tells me to do so. Too many people have done that in the past and it has led us on a path to destruction. For this country to regain its strength we must strengthen our principles no matter what the media personalities and pundits say. I believe in individuality and not being “one of the crowd. That’s the problem with today, the push has been to make everyone the same so no one stands out.

Propaganda is strong in every election and the new popular phrase for 2024 is, “Too Big To Rig.” I will never believe in the “Too Big To Rig” slogan as long as there are electronic voting machines. No matter what people say electronics can be hacked because there is always some nerd that tries to be better than the nerd that originally coded the program for the electronics. Just a few keystrokes and done. Paper and hand counting still can be manipulated but the cheat has to be physical and has a paper trail. It is a little more difficult. If it happens and that slogan doesn’t work they can always use the old stand by, “Donate now so we can get them next time.”

Using props is another form of self promotion and propaganda. The J6 hostages are only mentioned when they are needed to help the politicians campaigns. The J6 Hostages have been used for campaign props since their arrests. Only mentioned when needed for votes.

As always there is a huge push of propaganda a week or so before the election. A few days ago it was the Joe Rogan podcast. Then it was the Madison Square Garden Rally. I have great concern with all the snakes and celebrities on the stage with President Trump. Soon it will be the return of Steve Bannon. This is not a show or game, it is about the future of the United States of America and people are more concerned about glitz, fame and media personalities. People just follow along, cheer and repeat the hype, then they wonder why nothing changes. It’s called propaganda and it always works. As we saw in the past waiting for the courts to rule after an election is a dangerous strategy. It didn’t work out in 2020 so why would they think it would work in 2024.

With all the nonsense happening and the Democrat candidate is imploding right in front of everyone, I don’t think the swamp will waist its vast resources on Harris anymore. I think they are going to let President Trump to be selected. They have the insurance they need to hold President Trump in line with all the “Vote Down The Ballot” Republicans. Why should the swamp waist their resources and show their full hand when they can get stronger because everyone else will be saying, “We won!” The win will be for a few years and then the swamp will be stronger than before. Give some away now and take more back later. It’s a gamble but they got away with it in President Trump’s first term. Why change what worked? On the other hand none of the swamp seems worried. No matter what happens, get ready for an onslaught of propaganda in the future.

That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.

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