What Will The New Congress Allow?
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September 2, 2024

What Will The New Congress Allow?

During the election season a lot of promises are being made by the Republicans and the Democrats. One of the famous phrases being talked about this year is when Donald Trump introduced his slogan, “No tax on tips” to entice those in the food restaurant industry to support his election as President in November 2024. The slogan became so popular that the Democrat nominee, Kamala Harris, copied it and is promising the same thing if she is elected President.

One thing a lot of people forget is that slogans or promises made by those running for President are meaningless. Under our Constitution Congress writes and passes laws. It is the President’s job to sign those laws and enforce them. The enforcement is usually through the various Departments that the President nominates Secretaries to run those Departments. Once again we are back to the Legislature because it is the Senate that approves those appointments made by the President.

What will a new Congress allow? Will Congress allow mass deportation? Will Congress pass, “No Tax On Tips?” Will Congress follow through and enact any of the policies of the President that is elected in November 2024? All of these are valid questions and the and the answers might already be available. The simplest way is to look at history and see if Congress follows through on their promise to help a newly elected President.

In 1988 George H. W. Bush at the Republican convention, “Read my lips no new taxes. All it was a talking point and a meaningless statement. Congress writes tax law as per the Constitution. The President only makes a recommendation and then if the law is passed by Congress, he signs it. The newly elected Congress in 1989 actually raised taxes on the hard working people of the USA and Bush signed the new legislation. This action caused George Bush to lose re-election in 1992.

More recently we need to look at the Trump election in 2016. One of the talking point through his campaign was he was going to overhaul Obamacare and make it more affordable and offer better health coverage for the people of the USA. That didn’t go as planned because his own party destroyed that campaign promise. The Republican controlled Senate and House of Representatives led by Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan stalled introducing legislation to overhaul Obamacare. Due to this negligence the Republicans lost control of the House of Representative in 2018 which basically destroyed the Trump agenda. Nancy Pelosi would not introduce any legislation that would overhaul her pet project, Obamacare. Once again another campaign promise destroyed by Congress. Due to the failed leadership of the Republican party in 2017 and 2018 we are moving closer to single payer healthcare. This is the Democrats and progressives end goal because basically government controls your health. We already have that type of system in the US and it is called the VA, Veterans Healthcare and it is a total disaster. Our veterans deserve the best and the government gives them the worst healthcare possible. Our government and progressives in action that created another failed program. The system will not go broke because they will continue to raise our taxes to pay for it. Just like in California. They won't cut benefits for illegals to cut the state deficit so they are raising taxes.

So all these campaign promises are just words and are meaningless unless the Congress actually follows through and passes the legislation required to keep the campaign promise. The average citizens financial situation is meaningless to the politicians of both parties. People are losing their retirements and livelihoods and the politicians are pointing fingers at the other side. They will never look into the mirror because they don’t want to see that they are also responsible for this financial destruction of the average person. Republicans and Democrats vote for continuing resolutions and aid to foreign countries before they ever consider the plight of the hard working people of the USA. The reason is simple, the politicians don’t get money from lobbyists that represent the US taxpayer. The media and online pundits just go along because they are doing what they are told, meaning they are just spewing propaganda. Unfortunately the taxpayer doesn't learn and keeps re-electing the same politicians over and over that are stealing their wallets.

Many think the President can just wave a magic wand and fix all the problems of the country. People need to remember that President Trump is only one man and can not fix the country by himself. He can do part of his agenda by executive orders and they will be challenged in court. Spending and taxes have to be done by Congress. He can make recommendations but Congress has to pass the laws. He has two years to use the politicians that are riding his coattails to enact his agenda. After that those same politicians will do whatever is best for their re-election because they have no loyalty and will care less about his legacy. We have seen this in the past with those that rode Reagans coattails to victory, after he was out of office they could care less about his legacy unless it was a way to get votes. Our politicians talk more about foreign interests than about the plight of the people of the USA. Politicians will say anything and everything to get re-elected even if that means talking unity and riding the coattails of the Presidential candidate who they will betray in the future.

That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.

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