Famous People And Endorsements
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August 26, 2024

Famous People And Endorsements

I do not care about JD Vance, Robert Kennedy Jr, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek, Tucker Carlson, Hulk Hogan, Nikki Haley, Teamsters Union, NFL and UFC Superstars, Biggest Streamers on Earth, Biggest Rappers on Earth and other rich and famous people. Hopefully President Trump does not think the US citizen is this shallow to be fooled by this promotional trick.

I care about the average people of the United States of America that are losing their jobs, their businesses, can’t afford to pay for rent, food, medical and other basic needs. People are losing everything and President Trump, conservative media, pundits and their cheerleaders are bragging about people that are making huge amounts of money with everything they do. These elites are meaningless and will do absolutely nothing to help the plight of the average people of the United States.

The average citizen of the USA will do anything to vote for President Trump and all they are seeing and hearing is a show and a who’s who for the rich, famous and well connected. We will still vote for Trump but as usual is our vote is being taken for granted because he knows he already has it. Some people will say it is all in fun but for the hard working people of this country there is no time or room for fun and games, they are just trying to survive. Many of us believe President Trump is not a politician but with propaganda like this he is starting to act like one.

Many will say “you do not understand” but we do understand and we know our vote is taken for granted because we are never heard. We are not stupid and we are tired of blindly following someone that takes our vote for granted. Trump can parade around with these celebrities like it is a television show but in the process he is ignoring the people that will do whatever it takes to vote for his election. People are willing to surround and protect hm everywhere he goes. These famous people bring nothing to the table and many are the same people that have been against Trump in the past. A snake sheds its skin many times but it is always a snake. We do not want to blindly follow someone. There is too much at stake for the country to allow someone to do whatever they want without asking questions. We will vote for President Trump again in November 2024 but we should never stop questioning his actions and decisions that affect our live and those around us.

I do not care about endorsements from famous people. They are meaningless to me and the millions of others that are losing everything they have worked hard to attain and are trying to keep. The people that President Trump is promoting are rich and famous and are living very financially comfortable lives when the average citizen of this country is living day to day and not knowing if the are going to survive. Trump is turning his back on the average hard working people of this country in favor of snakes that shed their skin constantly to enrich their lives on the backs of the working class people of the USA. As usual the average hard working people of the USA have been forgotten and their votes are taken for granted. They are the little people and they mean nothing to those running for office except for their vote. Unfortunately the voter falls for it every election season. The candidate faces change but everything remains the same for the US citizen. How many times have I seen a campaign photo of a convention when the nominee or others on stage are pointing at someone in the audience. It’s all staged and it’s a show. Nothing is new, it’s just the same propaganda every election season. The faces change but the method and operation is always the same. I am not interested in games or brilliant moves all these are distractions from the fact that our country has been taken over by radicals and they are going to do whatever they need to do to hold on to power. All while our side is bragging about meaningless famous endorsements.

President Trump, the politicians have a voice, the billionaires have a voice, the well connected have a voice, those under party control have a voice, the PAC’s have a voice, the Super PAC’s have a voice and the well known have a voice. The only one that does not have a voice is the average US citizen that is expected to vote for you and follow the party line without any questions or doubts. A prime example of sheep and it is the same story every election I have seen. We have no choice but to vote for you because our lives and the future of the country depend on it. I just wish you would listen to the average citizen instead of the snakes, elites and establishment politicians that have surrounded you. All conservative media, pundits and their cheerleaders are steering people into the same direction and praising the announcement of endorsements from famous people. Once again with this propaganda and spin you are ignoring the troubles that everyday people are facing. It is almost like the phrase, “It’s a rich man’s world” is becoming reality right in front of us.

The stunts that are being used are a way to trick people and play them. That is one of the reasons that I feel our vote is being taken for granted. The campaign spin, unity and love fest with famous people is enormous right now to the point of being a distraction. What are they distracting from? Campaigns think the average person is stupid and people are because the keep believing the same crap year after year. This needs to stop before anything will ever change in this country. Politicians need to be questioned constantly to keep them off guard, accountable and held in line. That includes President Trump who recently started acting like a politician. All the spin and propaganda about the Robert Kennedy Jr . endorsement is insane. Just the idea that RFK was shopping for a position from both campaigns shows he has no loyalty. If you and others believe that famous people endorsements are important you are on the wrong track. You are slapping the average hard working citizen in the face. You have lost sight of what is really happening and is important to the average worker in the USA.

Why are the rich, powerful and connected the only ones picked to lead agencies and commissions? As we have seen in the past many times these are the most corruptible and corrupt. For Trump today everybody is great and that includes the establishment politicians that are surrounding him. I guess he is becoming one too. In the end one man can not clean up the DC swamp especially when he surrounds himself with creatures of the swamp, their cronies and famous people. As long as people accept what is being forced down their throats with open arms, nothing will ever change. If President Trump picks someone questionable or is not liked the people have to say “No.” They have to say we do not accept this choice. That won’t happen as long as the people are star struck and blindly accept all that is done. The only way to have actual change is to ditch all politicians, rich business people and the famous. Start new with average people that have common sense, principles and dignity. So far I have not seen anyone with these qualities being mentioned, embraced or chosen.

That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.

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