Politicians Are Like Snakes
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August 19, 2024

Politicians Are Like Snakes

Politicians and the establishment parties are snakes and can not be trusted. People need to learn and remember you can never work with these people because you can never trust a venomous snake at anytime. These snakes have been busy destroying the country for many years, unfortunately the average people of the USA are continually getting bit and poisoned.

The citizens of the USA must always remember, politicians are like snakes, especially they way they talk and act. Snakes shed their skin all the time but they always remain a snake. For a politician it is all about what is best for them. They have no interest in the citizens of this country, except for their vote. It is all about money, power and control. They have no interest in the United States of America or its citizens.

Politicians keep shedding their skin over and over, they talk, do nothing and run for re-election. That is one of the reasons I wrote the book,
“Politicians Checklist To Win Elections.” It sums up politicians motives in a simple checklist form. Sadly they follow the same format every election cycle and season. Unfortunately the voting public always falls for their repeated talk, no action and we will get them next time if I’m elected nonsense.

It is the same for multi-millionaires and billionaires. Why would anybody believe anything a billionaire says? They do not change and their past actions tell you everything you need to know about them. They are snakes. As with politicians, billionaires shed their skin all the time but they are still snakes and will continue with their philosophy and actions. They will do anything to protect their money, power and control. They have done this many times in the past and they will do so again. They are venomous snakes ready to strike again and again, whenever necessary to protect themselves and their fortunes. Unfortunately as always the clueless praise the billionaires and say that they have changed because the media is spotlighting them and pushing a new agenda. As I have said before, "A snake sheds its skin many times but it is still a snake.”

There is so much political nonsense going on today with both parties. So much self promotion from media hound politicians and others that are trying to make a name for themselves in the public eye. They should be more concerned about fight the establishment in the party than doing photo shoots. It seems self promotion is more important than weeding out the snakes in the party. That is why you can never believe what a politician says, you have to look at their actions. As the old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” If they are more interested in self promotion they will never do anything to address the problems of the average US taxpayer. They are all for show.

Most in this country do not understand that you will not be able to purge the snakes from the party, never have and never will. If we don’t have election integrity we lose and you will never have the chance to purge the venomous snakes from the party that are ready to strike at any moment or time. The people that are calling unity are basically saying that a useless photo-op is more important than saving the country from the snakes that have held power for years. It’s a broken record, skipping and repeating the same line years after year. People have been fooled for years by snakes like Mitch McConnell and Mike Johnson because they always promise to do something in the future. Aligning with these snakes and members of the DC swamp will not get Donald Trump anymore votes. President Trump is not a politician. When he surrounds himself with politicians he needs to remember, politicians are like snakes. Snakes shed their skin all the time and pretend to be something else but they are still a snake. For politicians it is all about what is best for them and what they can do to hold on to money, power and control. They have no interest in the US citizen, they just want our vote. They have no interest in the country, the people or helping President Trump with his agenda unless it is best for them. All they want to do is just ride President Trump’s coattails so they can make more for themselves now and in the future.

Snakes are patient. Snakes size up the prey before they devour it. They will do what ever it takes including starving themselves to make room so they can devour that prey. The snakes are in place, they are the establishment politicians. The political snakes are patiently making room so they can devour the prey, which is those that oppose the establishment agenda. After the political snakes devour the prey it is back to business as usual. They are already looking at 2026 and 2028. There is one snake in Washington, DC but it has two heads, Democrats and Republicans. This two headed snake is also known as the Uni-Party and DC swamp.

That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.

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