It's Constant Promotion And Propaganda
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August 12, 2024

It's Constant Promotion And Propaganda

All media is full of propaganda from our politicians and pundits. They all blame others for what they allowed to happen. Retirement and savings accounts of the average person mean nothing as they are being wiped out, just normal people lives being destroyed. But make sure to vote for our re-election so we can do better next time for the average person. If the rich, powerful and large donors are hurt something is done immediately. Propaganda and promotion is politics as usual in the DC Swamp and the media.

Current Congressional propaganda hounds Matt Gaetz and Majorie Taylor Greene can’t pass up a microphone or camera. As always they talk, do nothing, now they talk more and will continue to do nothing. It's not about the hard working people of this country, it's all about what they can get for themselves. Talking gets them re-elected so they can continue the cycle of more for them. They repeat the same message over and over, re-elect me and I will do something after I’m re-elected. It keeps the campaign contributions flowing. That is why all elected officials social media accounts are propaganda. They just post all the great things that they are doing to enrich their political careers. They never see the responses. Some staffer might show them a positive comment once an a while to boost their ego to show the public likes them. As always, it is not about us, it is about self promotion and money.

Today people do what they are told by search engines, influencers, celebrities, sports stars, career politicians and others tell them. No thinking required. A true voter that can actually think votes by how their lives and wallets are affected by the current policies. A person that is not affected by the current policies just votes for the “R” or the “D” like they are told by the media. These are the ignorant ones that allow the current nonsense to continue.

Social media is a great place for propaganda and promotion. They pick who they want to have as verified. They pick the people that will cheerlead for the platform and the message. On one company’s site the Red Checkmark is for established personalities. Once again it is to control the message. This platform is for self promotion as long as you repeat the controlled message of the party. It is profitable if you go along with unity and the Republican party message. Just look at how many Red Checkmarks are promoting books and movies. Many followers on the platform have and will buy any Red Checkmarked user’s book or movie. It's all about the money.

Another form of propaganda is sports stars and celebrity nonsense that has conditioned people into mindless boobs. People can't do without sports or watching what some stupid celebrity is saying or doing. This conditioning has been happening for a long time. The media has done its job well over the years telling people how to think and what to do. They are still doing it today and you read it on all types of platforms constantly. People need to learn the media of any kind is not the friend of the average citizen. People have been trained to always follow the distraction because the all media forces it on them. News is scripted and edited. It always has been since the beginning of newspapers. The anchor and reporter do what the boss tells them or they are out of a job. If they are on the air for a long time they are always doing what the boss says. It’s all propaganda.

Childish stunts are also another form of propaganda and promotion. Just look at the stunt at the airport with Vance and Harris. Do you really think that was spontaneous? How much coordination had to be done behind the scene to allow that scripted stunt to happen? Coordination between different Secret Service and security details, the airport traffic control and many others. It just didn’t happen. It did have the desired effect on many people that thought it was “the best.” It will not get Trump any more votes. We are voting for Trump no matter what, so why play games and pull off scripted childish stunts? Simple it’s all about promotion. It’s all about distraction from the fact that election integrity has not been secured. More games and distractions to come because the Republican party has done nothing to secure election integrity. A stunt like that had to be setup, it just didn't happen. Commons sense tells you it just looked too scripted. Just the idea of the planes being within walking distance to each other should tell you it was planned.

The parties and their media play the good cop bad cop routine for propaganda because both want the same result. An informed person never gives any media or media personality a pass. That is how they retain their strength. We must hold media personalities and pundits feet to the fire on anything they report or say. Make them constantly defend and explain their reporting bias and reports. When all media is held accountable for what they say that is when they will start to listen to the audience instead of telling the audience what to do. When you allow media, their personalities and pundits to tell you what to do it is propaganda!

All media is controlled and has an agenda. Think of this. What is the main product of one of the social media companies? President Trump. This company allows for mass amount of free promotion of President Trump by its users. That free promotion by users means data. Data means money for the company. Users are supplying data to the company which it can use or sell. The company picks who they want to have as verified. It is for established personalities. They pick the people that will cheerlead for the product. People will follow, listen and repeat the message like they always do. Users are used to freely promote the product, President Trump, which will add more value to the product. In the end, it’s all about promotion and money. The product and message are constant and repeated over and over. Trump 24/7. All day and all night. 7 days a week and 52 weeks in a year. All media has an agenda and people will follow.

I constantly am told the term, tldr (too long didn’t read). That is also the problem, no wants to read. They want to learn everything from one sentence, phrase or picture. This is a form of mind control, leading to no more individuality, no more independence and no more freedom. Which leads to total control of the human being. People swallow the swill of the media everyday and nod in agreement with what they hear on the radio or watch on television. It’s too much work to get off their asses and ask questions. Why bother someone else will do something. Fools like this have brought us to the dire straits of the USA today. As the old saying goes, "the truth hurts." No one wants to hear the truth because it makes them feel bad. People just want "happy thoughts" and everything will change for the better. In order for that to happen they have to crush those that get in the way. You are in the way and doing a great job of it. This is why there is propaganda and promotion because it always works.

That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.

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