May 15, 2023
Want to Muzzle Free Speech? Sue!
There is a dangerous trend spreading across the United States and it is gaining steam to muzzle free speech and it is very effective. It is being used throughout government, politics (local, state and national), in the media and corporate world. One of the easiest ways to muzzle free speech is to threaten to sue the person that has the opposing viewpoint. We see this time and again, individuals being sued for exercising their First Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech.
Where I live the city attorneys threaten to sue anyone that wants information about the city government. They are constantly denying Freedom of Information Requests and threaten to sue anyone that challenges their decision. They always pull out some explanation to skirt the law in their favor or sometimes just say “no.” They have even threaten to sue sitting city council members, now who’s really running the city? The good news is most cases are settled out of court or are thrown out. The problem is they get paid for all that legal service so it is a gold mine for them and their law firm.
You no longer have free speech or can make an opinion if you are threatened every time you try to say something. A carefully worded letter, checking your website or just the threat itself can dampen free speech. They put a label on you and no one will listen to anything you say. They want to put you on the defensive so you stay quiet about current events. This is the way they control the narrative and push their agenda forward. They use scare tactics to prevent the opposition from expressing valid points. They skew the argument in their favor by strong arming any dissent. It is hard to make a change when you can not get your opinion or facts to be made public.
The only ones that have free speech are the attorneys, deep pockets (Corporations), the rich, the parasites (elites), state and national politicians, government officials, the government and those that having nothing left to lose. Those that are in the middle are too afraid to lose what they have and that comfort that come with it.
Fear is a wonderful deterrent to prevent people from speaking out. We are seeing this tactic being played out all over the country from local school boards to national offices. It is a very useful tool to intimidate people into keeping quiet and avoid exercising their First Amendment Right of free speech. When you silence the common people you control the people. This is only the beginning and it’s a very chilling phase for our country and we are crossing a line that we will never be able to go back. Think about what is happening to you and your children. The decision you make now will affect generations.
That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.
If you Like, Dislike or are Neutral about my opinion, let me and others know about it and Help A Old Timer support himself by Purchasing A Comment below.
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©2023 James Colozzo, All Rights Reserved
Want to Muzzle Free Speech? Sue!
There is a dangerous trend spreading across the United States and it is gaining steam to muzzle free speech and it is very effective. It is being used throughout government, politics (local, state and national), in the media and corporate world. One of the easiest ways to muzzle free speech is to threaten to sue the person that has the opposing viewpoint. We see this time and again, individuals being sued for exercising their First Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech.
Where I live the city attorneys threaten to sue anyone that wants information about the city government. They are constantly denying Freedom of Information Requests and threaten to sue anyone that challenges their decision. They always pull out some explanation to skirt the law in their favor or sometimes just say “no.” They have even threaten to sue sitting city council members, now who’s really running the city? The good news is most cases are settled out of court or are thrown out. The problem is they get paid for all that legal service so it is a gold mine for them and their law firm.
You no longer have free speech or can make an opinion if you are threatened every time you try to say something. A carefully worded letter, checking your website or just the threat itself can dampen free speech. They put a label on you and no one will listen to anything you say. They want to put you on the defensive so you stay quiet about current events. This is the way they control the narrative and push their agenda forward. They use scare tactics to prevent the opposition from expressing valid points. They skew the argument in their favor by strong arming any dissent. It is hard to make a change when you can not get your opinion or facts to be made public.
The only ones that have free speech are the attorneys, deep pockets (Corporations), the rich, the parasites (elites), state and national politicians, government officials, the government and those that having nothing left to lose. Those that are in the middle are too afraid to lose what they have and that comfort that come with it.
Fear is a wonderful deterrent to prevent people from speaking out. We are seeing this tactic being played out all over the country from local school boards to national offices. It is a very useful tool to intimidate people into keeping quiet and avoid exercising their First Amendment Right of free speech. When you silence the common people you control the people. This is only the beginning and it’s a very chilling phase for our country and we are crossing a line that we will never be able to go back. Think about what is happening to you and your children. The decision you make now will affect generations.
That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.
If you Like, Dislike or are Neutral about my opinion, let me and others know about it and Help A Old Timer support himself by Purchasing A Comment below.
If An Old Timer’s Opinion is revealing, controversial or upsetting, please tell your family, friends and neighbors.
©2023 James Colozzo, All Rights Reserved
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