Listening To The Experts
Drawing-Television with So-called experts say…

January 28, 2025

Listening To The Experts

The “so-called” experts the media flocks to for advice are usually wrong. Why would anyone listen to them? They are highly educated that’s why. No experience just a lot of education without any life practice. Our new college educated society. Book smart, no experience so no real world knowledge. They dress up like they are so important and everyone will listen to them because they have a fancy job title. It’s all about ego and arrogance with no real world practice.

The experts on the economy always get it wrong because they do not know what it is like to struggle day by day to make ends meet. They look down on those that are barely getting by and say the economy is “Great.” They are in their glass towers and never have to experience what is happening in the real world. They go on news shows or podcasts and say life is good without any idea of what real life is about.

Once again the so-called experts are pushing climate change. These are the same morons that can’t accurately predict the weather for tomorrow. We are told to listen to them for the weather ten to a hundred years down the road. The media pushes these hacks to tell the hardworking people of this country their hard work is causing problems for the climate. The sad part is too many people believe these “experts” and cause problems for those people that actually have sense.

Another area where the so-called experts fail is trust the science. These so-called experts in science are dangerous because they can cause death to areas and individuals. How many times in the past have we heard about so-called science experts introducing a new species to an area and that species destroyed the natural habitat? People “trusted the science” and it caused more problems than it solved. The se same type of experts push chemicals and cures on the public in which in some cases it causes more harm. It is unnerving when you read that one of the side effects of a chemical or medication these experts are promoting can cause death. Sadly people are so desperate for the “easy fix” that they will do anything that the “Trust the Science” so-called experts say.

Eating habits are another area where the experts usually get it wrong. One year eggs are bad and the next year eggs are good. Coffee is bad and then coffee is good. Your cholesterol number should be this one year and that another year. No agreement just information put out by studies that always favor the corporation or entity that paid for the study. Once again sadly people follow this foolishness and spend billions of dollars trusting these so-called “Food Experts.”

People all over trust the so-called experts for mostly life in general. Unfortunately many have been steered to believe anyone that is well dressed and presents themselves well is an expert. If they appear in the media many automatically consider them an expert on anything they say. Sadly that is nowhere near the truth and it is basically a con job. You need to ask yourself a simple question about the so-called expert you are watching or hearing and that is, “Why are they being promoted in media?” If and when you get the answer to that question you will probably change your point of view about the so-called expert you are watching or hearing.

One so-called expert people turn to today is the internet. The internet was to make us smarter but in reality it only made people dumber with all the crap that is available online. Once again the “experts” were the ones that designed and built the internet but because there is so much wrong information available the line between fact and fiction is blurred. People rely on search engines to steer them into a direction without knowing if that direction is right or wrong. Now with the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) the line between fact and fiction is going to disappear because there will be no way to know what is real or not. Those people that run their lives by “Someone says” will just be manipulated into any direction that suits the function of AI and those that created it. Another reason you need to ask a question, “Why is this answer being promoted?” Once again if and when you get the answer to that question you will probably change your point of view about the so-called expert information you are receiving.

People do not realize a lot of these so-called experts on the internet and those paraded in front of them on media caused or were part of the problem. They are paid hacks, former politicians and bureaucrats now labeled as “contributors.” These people need to stay in the public eye to further their self interests as they promote their products. They are not really “experts they are just “talkers.” The so-called expert generated by AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a computer program that data mines information from various sources and manipulates the answer to steer people to an agenda. Sadly people swallow the swill the above spew as factual and real. In the end as always it’s all about the money, power and control.

That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.

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