January 21, 2025
Let The Games And Betrayals Begin
Now that President Trump has been inaugurated the 47th President of the United States of America, let the games and betrayals begin.
Sadly the games have already started and many have already kissed the ring of President Trump. So with all that is happening many questions need to be asked. Was the campaign just a show? Why are the oligarchs in the limelight? Why the questionable appointments? Who will be the first to betray President Trump? Who will betray the US citizen? Will it be politics and business as usual What type of “Deals” were made? Will President Trump ever admit there were problems with the Covid vaccine? Will ego and arrogance be a plus or lead to a downfall? During the campaign were the hardworking citizens of this country played and conned? Will there be a “New Golden Age?” Maybe for the ultra rich, famous and well connected but not for the average hardworking US citizen.
Unfortunately the US citizen is easily manipulated by fame and fortune. They will never realized that these type of people will never actually help them. Those with fame and fortune use the US citizen to enrich themselves over the long term. Sadly the average person hasn't realized the scam. For all those watching the show, glamour and glitz of the inauguration, always remember it’s a “Club” and the average US citizen is not a member. It has been this way for generations. It is not going to change anytime soon no matter what people think. Those that give lip service about crushing the “Club” are members of it. No matter what anyone says and that includes President Trump, the average US citizen will always be looking in and will never be part of the "Club."
There is a Tucker Carlson quote circulating on the internet, “They say Trump is out of control, but he’s not. He’s just out of their control.” This is mostly true but with President Trumps recent appointments the deep state and or swamp are not showing any fear. The swamp is not afraid of President Trump. If he gets out of control they will just have the 25th amendment invoked. They have J. D. Vance as Vice President and he is their insurance. The pieces are in place, Vance, Rubio, Thune, Johnson and others. Another reason J. D. Vance and others were bad choices and endorsements. Just look how easily Marco Rubio received confirmation for Secretary of State. The reason is simple, he is an insider.
With the ultra-rich and well connected are running the country and no good will come to the hard working US citizen. When the ultra-rich run the country, the average citizen pays for it. Financially, physically and mentally because it's all a game to the rich and well connected. Just look at the revolving door for the well connected; media, politics back to media. People allow and fall for it every time. No wonder nothing changes for the better for this country. The same controlled hacks are always put in powerful positions. The sheepish public goes along and cheers every four years no matter who is selected President.
The optics of the ultra-rich at the Inauguration was just sickening. Those people were responsible for censorship, horrible offenses, loss of income, sickness and in some cases even death by their tactics. All was done was to enrich themselves and their bank accounts. I don’t care about going to Mars, I care about the hardworking US citizen that is struggling to survive. Everything else is just promotion of a new toy for the ultra-rich. Not a good look for President Trump and the New Administration. There is a picture that is posted on social media of Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Warren Buffet, Edwin Meese and others with drinks in hand laughing. Many people add different captions to the picture. The picture says a thousand words but the base idea is still the same. They were laughing at us in the 1980’s and they are still laughing at us today. The faces and people have changed but the people in power and those that are well connected are still laughing at the hardworking US citizen. Nothing has or will change, it is a rich mans world.
After the inauguration we now know why President Trump selected and Executive Producer for his Administration. It’s all about the “Show.” All hype and promotion to get the maximum effect for everything done. This was highlighted by the Executive Order signing in the arena after the inauguration ceremonies. It is also called propaganda. The next four years are going to be a television series because it is a show. P. T. Barnum would be proud in many ways.
I do not like the games that are being played. I do not like that the people of this country are being toyed with during these games. I do not like being a pawn in a game played by others that affects my life. Unfortunately this is the status of the country in the past and today. One thing that will remain the same, the hardworking citizens of the USA will always be the ones betrayed.
That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.
If you Like, Dislike or are Neutral about my opinion, let me and others know about it and Help A Old Timer support himself by Purchasing A Comment below.
If An Old Timer’s Opinion is revealing, controversial or upsetting, please tell your family, friends and neighbors.
©2025 James Colozzo, All Rights Reserved
Let The Games And Betrayals Begin
Now that President Trump has been inaugurated the 47th President of the United States of America, let the games and betrayals begin.
Sadly the games have already started and many have already kissed the ring of President Trump. So with all that is happening many questions need to be asked. Was the campaign just a show? Why are the oligarchs in the limelight? Why the questionable appointments? Who will be the first to betray President Trump? Who will betray the US citizen? Will it be politics and business as usual What type of “Deals” were made? Will President Trump ever admit there were problems with the Covid vaccine? Will ego and arrogance be a plus or lead to a downfall? During the campaign were the hardworking citizens of this country played and conned? Will there be a “New Golden Age?” Maybe for the ultra rich, famous and well connected but not for the average hardworking US citizen.
Unfortunately the US citizen is easily manipulated by fame and fortune. They will never realized that these type of people will never actually help them. Those with fame and fortune use the US citizen to enrich themselves over the long term. Sadly the average person hasn't realized the scam. For all those watching the show, glamour and glitz of the inauguration, always remember it’s a “Club” and the average US citizen is not a member. It has been this way for generations. It is not going to change anytime soon no matter what people think. Those that give lip service about crushing the “Club” are members of it. No matter what anyone says and that includes President Trump, the average US citizen will always be looking in and will never be part of the "Club."
There is a Tucker Carlson quote circulating on the internet, “They say Trump is out of control, but he’s not. He’s just out of their control.” This is mostly true but with President Trumps recent appointments the deep state and or swamp are not showing any fear. The swamp is not afraid of President Trump. If he gets out of control they will just have the 25th amendment invoked. They have J. D. Vance as Vice President and he is their insurance. The pieces are in place, Vance, Rubio, Thune, Johnson and others. Another reason J. D. Vance and others were bad choices and endorsements. Just look how easily Marco Rubio received confirmation for Secretary of State. The reason is simple, he is an insider.
With the ultra-rich and well connected are running the country and no good will come to the hard working US citizen. When the ultra-rich run the country, the average citizen pays for it. Financially, physically and mentally because it's all a game to the rich and well connected. Just look at the revolving door for the well connected; media, politics back to media. People allow and fall for it every time. No wonder nothing changes for the better for this country. The same controlled hacks are always put in powerful positions. The sheepish public goes along and cheers every four years no matter who is selected President.
The optics of the ultra-rich at the Inauguration was just sickening. Those people were responsible for censorship, horrible offenses, loss of income, sickness and in some cases even death by their tactics. All was done was to enrich themselves and their bank accounts. I don’t care about going to Mars, I care about the hardworking US citizen that is struggling to survive. Everything else is just promotion of a new toy for the ultra-rich. Not a good look for President Trump and the New Administration. There is a picture that is posted on social media of Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Warren Buffet, Edwin Meese and others with drinks in hand laughing. Many people add different captions to the picture. The picture says a thousand words but the base idea is still the same. They were laughing at us in the 1980’s and they are still laughing at us today. The faces and people have changed but the people in power and those that are well connected are still laughing at the hardworking US citizen. Nothing has or will change, it is a rich mans world.
After the inauguration we now know why President Trump selected and Executive Producer for his Administration. It’s all about the “Show.” All hype and promotion to get the maximum effect for everything done. This was highlighted by the Executive Order signing in the arena after the inauguration ceremonies. It is also called propaganda. The next four years are going to be a television series because it is a show. P. T. Barnum would be proud in many ways.
I do not like the games that are being played. I do not like that the people of this country are being toyed with during these games. I do not like being a pawn in a game played by others that affects my life. Unfortunately this is the status of the country in the past and today. One thing that will remain the same, the hardworking citizens of the USA will always be the ones betrayed.
That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.
If you Like, Dislike or are Neutral about my opinion, let me and others know about it and Help A Old Timer support himself by Purchasing A Comment below.
If An Old Timer’s Opinion is revealing, controversial or upsetting, please tell your family, friends and neighbors.
©2025 James Colozzo, All Rights Reserved
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