What If?
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January 7, 2025

What If?

What if it all is a scam? Are we in a bait and switch situation? What if we are celebrating our own demise? Something is off. Conservative media personalities and pundits are circling the wagons and making excuses on a daily basis. Why is everybody great? Why has President Trump endorsed candidates that are close to the swamp? There are too many snakes in the inner circle. Why?

Why has President Trump selected an Executive Producer for his new Administration. President Trump announced Justin Caporale as Executive Producer for major events and public appearances while he is in office. Why does President Trump need an Executive Producer? Why do we need an “Executive Producer” for the new Trump Administration? Is this a television show or a Presidency?

Why is there a love affair with Elon Musk? This love affair with Big Tech moguls is very concerning. With all of his posts, interviews and statements, is he running the country? Is he becoming the world’s President? Why is he in the limelight with so many foreign governments? People are blind to see what is in front of them while they are celebrating. When is Elon Musk going to criticize the communist Chinese government? Who is he really working for? A simple question to ask Mr. Elon Musk has a simple answer, “Do you consider Taiwan an independent sovereign country or is it a province of the communist Peoples Republic of China?” The answer will tell you where he places his loyalties.

When people continue to make excuses for what you are doing, maybe you’re not doing what is right. Check your ego and arrogance at the door. Reflect on your actions and how they are going to affect the hardworking people of this country instead of enriching the rich, famous and well connected. Otherwise you are no different than the ones that came before you and those on the other side of the aisle. I do not believe in making excuses for leaders that are making questionable decisions. I believe in holding those leaders accountable for those questionable decisions. If that means constantly questioning and pointing out their bad decisions so be it. A good leader will listen to those questions. An arrogant leader disregards them, therefore they are probably not a good leader.

Trump’s popularity soared in 2016 when he said Hillary Clinton would be in jail. That led to the chant, “Lock her up.” Did Trump follow through, No, it was just a soundbite to make the news. It’s all hype. That should tell you everything you need to know about his social media posts, interviews and speeches. During his last Presidential Campaign, Trump made a lot of promises and statements. We will see if there is any follow through or action. Time will tell. Unfortunately this country is running out of time.

With the CR (Continuing Resolution) recently passed by Congress they are telling President Trump who is really in charge and there is nothing he can do about it. With the small majorities in the Legislature nothing will be accomplished because President Trump’s hands are tied. Remember Trump supported and endorsed many that are in the Senate and House of Representatives. Many pundits told people to “Forget Their Principles” and vote Republican down the ballot. According to many of President Trump’s Press Releases he called many of these politicians “Great.” The way things have gone the last few weeks these politicians are not “Great.” No matter what people think or say. Nothing is going to change in DC. The faces might change but the practices will remain the same. As always the hard working people of this country are being played and that never changes. People can talk and celebrate what might happen but it never will. It doesn’t matter who is President.

Everyone talking about the “Deal” is not struggling to survive during this game that is being played. Those promoting the “Deal” are politicians, conservative media personalities, pundits and those that are financially secure. Those that think of it as a game are playing with peoples lives. People that are struggling day to day don’t see it as a “Game,” “Art,” “Deal” or “Negotiation,” they just want to Survive and provide for their families. Anyone that thinks playing this game is necessary should be ashamed of themselves.

Why do people think the rich can fix everything? From what we have seen over the last hundred years they have ruined life for most hard working people in this country. Yes they gave people jobs but they took more back in return, such as self respect and independence. The hard working citizens of the USA are slaves to the rich. Why do people think the rich will always help them? The rich just help themselves make more money from the backs of hard working people. All these billionaires being appointed to positions is a sign of business as usual. As always it’s about the money. A simple rule to remember about the November 2024 Election and the New Administration; It’s all about business. What is best for business is best for the country. The hardworking US citizen has no say and they never have in any modern administration. It’s all about business and what is best for them. The excuse for this rule is business will create jobs, unfortunately most of the time this is a lie or the jobs created are in a foreign country. President Trump is a businessman and he is showing he is all for business.

The way the new Trump Administration is playing out I get the feeling that we have been played. When people say they “Trust” President Trump and his decisions it reminds me of a simple thought, “How many marriages break up because of “Trust” issues? There was trust in the beginning but something changed. The same is true with Politics, Politicians, Elected Officials and Candidates. Always remember the hardest part of the con is getting people to believe the con. Once people believe the con they will do anything you say and defend you any way possible. People do not want to admit they were conned. The average people of the USA have been played again. This was on display when the Trump Campaign had that Love Fest at Madison Square Garden. A good rule to follow for anyone elected to public office: No Expectations Means No Disappointments. That’s how I am looking at the new Trump Administration.

That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.

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